Unmeasured, Wasteful Extravagance


Genuine faith always produces good works, known as Righteousness by Faith. It is the highest place any fallen human being can attain. Jesus tells us boldly of one who, by "a good work", reached God's ideal and that this deed, he instructed, must be shared "wherever the gospel is preached in the whole world."

Obviously, Jesus tells us, this story of what genuine faith looks like belongs in an end time setting, the model He longs for in His people. Who is this person? Is it the great apostle Paul? The converted Peter? Beloved John? No. The person Jesus bestows this honor is a daughter of Bethany, "a sinner", once possessed of "seven demons".

This Sabbath, we look at her story.


Saturday, February 2, 2019
Downers Grove Seventh-day Adventist Church
To receive, live, and share the good news of a loving God and a soon coming Savior.

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